West Byfleet Secondary School: log book for 1944

10th January 1944

School reopened this morning.  3 boys and 3 girls admitted. 15 boys and 14 girls taken off roll.

13th January 1944

Mr. F. Puyten Gunten visited the school and conducted a try-out of the June Special Place English Papers with 42 Juniors and 45 seniors.  Mr. Jarman visited the school pm.  Miss Mason absent visiting a specialist at Middlesex hospital.

14th January 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school pm.   The total for National Savings on Tuesday morning was £81-10-0.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 350  av. Att. 313.2

                      Evacuees – On roll:  68 av. Att. 65.6

17th January 1944

Miss Mason absent visiting Middlesex hospital.      Mrs. Robins commenced work as a cleaner.

18th January 1944

Miss Mason retuned to duty am.  The total collected for National savings this morning was £64-10-0.

19th January 1944

Mr. Bryan visited the school am.

20th January 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

21st January 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 349 av. Att. 309.6

                      Evacuees – On roll:  67 av. Att. 65.7

24th January 1944

Mrs. Hayter commenced duty on supply this afternoon in place of Miss Peacock this afternoon.

25th January 1944

Amount of National savings taken in school today £67-0-0.  The preliminary Examination was held in school this morning from 10.15 am until 11.55am.  There were sixty candidates (32 boys, 28 girls).

26th January 1944

Mr. Jenkins attended an Examination Board Meeting at County Hall today.

27th January 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school.

28th January 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 349  av. Att. 311.0

                      Evacuees – On roll:  67 av. Att. 61.6

31st January 1944

Mrs. M. McGrath absent suffering from olitis.

1st February 1944

Mr. F.H.O. Phillips visited the school pm.

2nd February 1944

Dr. Arning conducted a medial inspection (routine) 1930 age group this morning.   Mr. Jenkins attended Examination Board Assessments at County Hall today.  Mr. Bryan visited the school am.

4th February 1944

Mr. Stollery visited the school pm.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 346  av. Att. 309.1

                      Evacuees – On roll:  68 av. Att. 64.0

7th February 1944

The total of National Savings today was $53-15-0.

9th February 1944

Dr. Arning assisted by Nurse Lee continued the medical inspection of 1930 age group.

10th February 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

11th February 1944

Miss Mason absent today in preparation for entry into Middlesex hospital for an operation.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 346  av. Att. 305.2

                      Evacuees – On roll:  68 av. Att. 60.9

14th February 1944

Mrs. Curran commenced duty on supply in place of Miss Mason.

15th February 1944

A meeting of parents was held in the school hall this afternoon, the chair being taken by Mr. A.W. Stollery, Chairman of the Managers.   The Meeting was addressed by Mr. Jenkins, the subject being the Education Bill and its proposals as they affect Byfleet and District.    Article on a local newspaper:




     A clear exposition of the aims and implications contained in the new Education Bill before Parliament was given to large audience of parents at the Central School on Tuesday afternoon by Mr. C.V. Jenkins (Headmaster).   He was introduced by Mr. A.W. Stollery (Chairman of the Managers) and also on the platform was Miss Hey (Headmistresses of the Infants School).

     Rather than discussing the immense ramifications of the new Bill, Mr. Jenkins explained the effect it would have on the children of his school.   Up to the present the responsibility had been on the Education committee to see that all children were education in the three R’s – reading, writing and arithmetic.  The Bill shifted the duty to the parents to secure for their children education according to the three A’s – age, ability and aptitude.

    There would be continuing education for all children - and that meant complete quality of opportunity – from age of five to 18 - from 5 to 11 years the child attended a primary school, which would run on similar lines to the present elementary schools.   Secondary school followed to at least the age of 15 years but this did not mean just one type of school.   Aptitude determined the secondary school to which the children would go – technical, academic, commercial schools would all be provided.

    On April 1, 1945 the west Byfleet Central School would be changed to a Secondary School and would provide one type of education.  After the age of 15, the young person would have to attend a young people’s college for one day per week for 44 weeks per year.

    The question of religious instruction was the most important issue raised and the anvil on which the Bill might be shattered.   The facilities for religious instruction would be very greatly changed, and Mr. Jenkins said he hoped to see the subject rising to the heights occupied by other subjects in the curriculum.

   The Headmaster also spoke on two other subjects – the entrance to secondary schools at present, he said, was only possible by passing the common entrance examination, and no child could enter otherwise,   The other subject, and which he considered the most difficult, was the question of sex education he appealed to all parents to approach the problem with courage and common sense.  “It is your job and my job to see the children were guided to the right view on this matter” he said.


The total for National Savings today was £48-10-0

16th February 1944

Mr. Bryan visited the school am.

17th February 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school pm.

18th February 1944

Mrs. Hayter absent owing to the illness of her husband.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 347  av. Att. 314.4

                      Evacuees – On roll:  68 av. Att. 63.5

22nd February 1944

The total for National Savings this morning was £43-0-0.   Miss Mayne and Mrs. Fear visited the school today for observation.

24th February 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school.

25th February 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 347  av. Att. 303.2

                      Evacuees – On roll:  69 av. Att. 59.8

28th February 1944

Mrs. Grantner, assistant cook Grade II in the school canteen died today under an operation.

29th February 1944

The total for National Savings today amounted to £47-10-0.

2nd March 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

3rd March 1944

Mr. Phillips visited the school and Mr. Anderson (County Inspector) pm.

Mr. Jenkins attended a conference at County hall today on the subject of school holidays.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 347  av. Att. 306.3

                      Evacuees – On roll:  70 av. Att. 64.1

7th March 1944

The total for National Savings today amounted to £58-10-0.

Thirty nine children accompanied by Mr. Jenkins attended a performance of the “Taming of the Shrew” at the County School for Boys, Woking.

8th March 1944

Mr. Bryan visited the school.

9th March 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school today.

10th March 1944

Mr. Jenkins attended a meeting of the Special Place examination at Kingston this morning.   Miss Kennedy, the new school health visitor, examined all children present today.   Margaret Franklin has been awarded a Special Place at Kingston Commercial School and Joan Holbrow one at Guildford Technical School.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 347  av. Att. 308.0

                      Evacuees – On roll:  69 av. Att. 62.1

13th March 1944

Mr. Jenkins absent after Assembly today, assessing Special Place examinations at Woking.

14th March 1944

Mr. Jenkins absent assessing

15th March 1944

Mr. Jenkins attended a meeting of the Extra Metropolitan Evacuating Authorities Moderating Board at County Hall, Westminster.

A meeting of the managers was held ion the staff room this afternoon.

16th March 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.  Miss Venning visited the school am and pm.

17th March 1944

Miss Peacock concluded duty on supply this afternoon, having been transferred to Egham High Girls School.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 347  av. Att. 318

                      Evacuees – On roll:  69 av. Att. 62.6

20th March 1944

Miss Olive Edwards commenced duty on the permanent staff of the school this morning specializing in history, C stream English and Music.

22nd March 1944

Mr. Bryan visited the school am.

23rd March 1944

Mr. Jarman visited am.   Mr. F.H.O. Phillips visited am.

24th March 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 347  av. Att. 314.6

                      Evacuees – On roll:  71 av. Att. 65.6

28th March 1944

Mr. Jenkins attended a meeting of the Commercial and Technical Examinations Board at County Hall today.

29th March 1944

Mr. Jenkins attended a meeting of the Music Scholarships Examination Panel at County Hall this afternoon.

30th March 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.   Mrs. M McGrath returned to duty this morning.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 347  av. Att. 318.4

                      Evacuees – On roll:  71 av. Att. 63.5

3rd April 1944

”Examined registers and found correct     Clementine Avern”

4th April 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school.

5th April 1944

Mrs. Curran concluded duties on supply.   School closed at midday today for Easter holidays.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 347  av. Att. 299.7   (for part of the week)

                      Evacuees – On roll:  71 av. Att. 59.8

17th April 1944

School reopened.  Mr. Bonson commenced duty on supply in place of Miss Mason still in hospital.

Admissions from contributory schools:

West Byfleet Junior    28

Byfleet C.E. Junior    22

New Haw Junior        12

Pyrford Junior            3

18th April 1944

School Health visitor visited school am.

19th April 1944

Mr. Jenkins absent and adjudicating Junior Music awards at Woking.  Miss Grant, headmistress of Tolworth Girls Central School, visited the school this afternoon.

20th April 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

21st April 1944

Mr. Jenkins absented adjudicating Junior Music Awards at Wimbledon.  Mr. Sibley visited am.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 367  av. Att. 348.7

                      Evacuees – On roll:  69 av. Att. 65.2

National Savings this week.

24th April 1944

Mr. Jenkins absent adjudicating Junior Music Awards at Sutton.

25th April 1944

Nurse visited and inspected all children.  National Savings today £43-10-0.

26th April 1944

Mr. Jenkins absent adjudicating Junior Music Awards at Reigate.

Mr. Bryan visited the school am.

During these three days

Mr. Moore, Monument Hill Central School,

Mr. Bliaux, Horsell C.E. School,

Mr. Godsland, unattached staff,

Miss Holm, Westfield Junior School,

Miss Howells, Westfield Infants School,

have worked in school assessing Evacuee Special Place papers.   The work was completed this afternoon.

27th April 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

28th April 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 367  av. Att. 341.4

                      Evacuees – On roll:  69 av. Att. 62.1

29th April 1944 (Saturday)

The staff of the school attended a conference at Woking on the raising of the school leaving age.

2nd May 1944 (Tuesday)

National Savings amounted to £50

4th May 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am and Mr. F.H.O. Phillips pm.

5th May 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 367  av. Att. 339.1

                      Evacuees – On roll:  69 av. Att. 61.0

8th May 1944

A medical inspection was held today by Dr. Arning for boys due to leave school in July.

9th May 1944

National savings today £50

10th May 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.   Mrs. Evans held a dental inspection this afternoon.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 367  av. Att. 341.1

                      Evacuees – On roll:  67 av. Att. 61.4

14th May 1944

National savings today £51-10-0.  Mrs. Steeples absent from duty in canteen.

17th May 1944

Mr. Jenkins attended a meeting of the Moderating Board at Westminster pm.  Dr. Arning concluded the medical inspections am.   Mr. Bonson concluded duty pm.

18th May 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.  Mrs. Hooper commenced duty on supply this morning.  Dental inspections were continued this afternoon.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 365  av. Att. 331.2

                      Evacuees – On roll:  67 av. Att. 58.6

23rd May 1944

A medical inspection was concluded this afternoon by Dr. Arning

24th May 1944

Empire Day.  School closed pm.

25th May 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.  Mr. Jenkins absent today conducting Oral Examinations at Woking Boys County School.

26th May 1944

Mr. Jenkins absent at oral Examinations at Woking Boys County School.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 364  av. Att. 328.8

                      Evacuees – On roll:  67 av. Att. 56.1

29th May 1944

Whit Monday.  School closed for day.

30th May 1944

School reopened.   Swimming classes commenced.  Mr. Keast concluded duty today.

1st June 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.   Dental inspections were continued this afternoon.

2nd June 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 365  av. Att. 326.6

                      Evacuees – On roll:  67 av. Att. 60.7

6th June 1944

Mrs. Perry and Mr. Jenkins attended the course on teach of reading to backward children held at Goldsworth School, Woking.

7th June 1944

Course continued at Woking.  Manager’s meeting held in school.

8th June 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am

9th June 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 364  av. Att. 333.6

                      Evacuees – On roll:  67 av. Att. 60.6

12th June 1944

Miss G.M. Savage commenced duty on supply in place of Mr. Keast.

14th June 1944

Mr. Bryan visited the school am.

15th June 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

During this week the papers of the alternative Special Place Examination have been marked in school.  The following teachers have taken part in the work:  

Mr. R.S. Moore, Mr. A.E. Cooper, Mr. A. Blaux, Mr. F. Beal, Miss M.K. Paterson, Miss M. Holm. 

Dental Inspections have concluded today.

16th June 1944

Air raid alerts have sounded several times today.  Children taken to shelters.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 364  av. Att. 333.2

                      Evacuees – On roll:  68 av. Att. 22.2

19th June 1944

Mrs. Hooper absent today owing to the illness of her daughter.

An air raid warning sounded during the night and had not been cleared by 9am and about 175 children assembled and were taken to the shelters.  All Clear sounded shortly afterwards, but several alerts were given during the day.

20th June 1944

Normal school was carried throughout today.  No alerts.  National Savings £43

21st June 1944

An air raid warning was on at 9.00am and children sent to shelters on arrival.  All clear sounded at 10.45.   A further warning sounded 11.05.  All clear 1.05.  All children were kept in the shelters when parents called for them and those unable to return home were fed from the canteen.


Miss George and Miss Grey H.M.I.’s visited the school during the afternoon alert.  When the all clear sounded at 3.10pm the children were sent home.

22nd June 1944

Fifty three children arrived at school during the alert at 9.00am and sent to the shelters.  The first all clear was given at 10.10am and large numbers of children then came to school.  Other warnings were received during the day and children taken to the shelters each time.


A representative from the Ministry of Labour visited the school and Interviewed children due to leave school at the end of term. 


Mr. Jarman and Mr. Bryan visited the school. 

23rd June 1944

Normal school was held throughout the day after 9.20am when the All Clear was sounded.  Mr. Anderson, County PT organiser visited the school pm.

Attendance: Surrey 361, evacuees 68

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 361  av. Att. 252

                      Evacuees – On roll:  68 av. Att. 45.2

26th June 1944

On every air-raid warning the alarm bell sounded and the children taken to the shelters.  Alert today 2.20pm to 4.25pm

27th June 1944

National Savings today amounted to £70

Alert 10.50am to 11.30am

28th June 1944

Air raid warnings and all children in shelters 9.25am 9.50am, 11.10am, 11.50am  


29th June 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school. Air raid alert 3.00pm to 3.10pm

30th June 1944

The children have been kept in the shelters from 8.45am until 1.20pm and from 1.30pm until 2.35pm.   A further warning sounded at 3.10pm.   At 3.50pm with the aid of parents and staff and buses the children were dispersed to their homes.


Mr. Jenkins attended a meeting called by the chairman of the Education Committee held at County Hall Kingston at 11.30 am.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 361  av. Att. 263.4

                      Evacuees – On roll:  68 av. Att. 52.0

3rd July 1944

A pouring wet day.  Air raid alerts and children in shelters 11.15am to 11.25am and 12.30pm until children were dispersed to homes between 3.45pm and 4.15pm.

4th July 1944

National Savings today amounted to £33.    Mr. Gunton visited the school and tried out the March 1944 Special Place Examination English papers.

Air raid alerts:





All Clear




5th July 1944

Air raid alerts 10.40 am to 10.50am, 12.30pm to 2.05pm

6th July 1944

Mr. Jarman and Mr. Bryan visited the school am.


No alerts were sounded today and school continued normal work.

7th July 1944

Air raid alerts today





All Clear




Children were dispersed to homes after 3.45pm as on previous occasions when alert has continued beyond school hours.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 361  av. Att. 223.2

                      Evacuees – On roll:  68 av. Att. 44.8

16th July 1944

Air raid alerts were sounded and the children taken to the shelters at the following times:





All Clear




After a short period in school for clearing up the children were then dismissed to their homes

11th July 1944

National Savings today amounted to £54:10:00


Air raid alerts were sounded and children taken to the shelters






All Clear




12th July 1944

Mr. Jenkins attended meeting of the Metropolitan Evacuation Authorities Moderating Board at County Hall, Westminster today.


Air raid alerts and children in shelters 3.00 to 3.45pm.

13th July 1944

Mr. Jenkins absent on Oral Examination at Woking Boys County school today.


Air raid alerts 10.10am to 11.15am, 2.05pm to 3.25pm

14th July 1944

Air raid alerts 3.35 to 3.45pm.  School was then closed for the summer holidays.


Miss G.M. Savage concluded work today on supply this afternoon.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 361  av. Att. 264.0

                      Evacuees – On roll:  68 av. Att. 47.8


The following children have gained special places: Peter Smith, Peter Smithers, Alan Worsfold, Gerald Rouse, Bryan Sims, Alan Stevens, Kenneth Richards, Elizabeth Strang, Audrey Wiles, Evelyn Baker, Pamela Bateman, Audrey Calvert, Elspeth Goddard, Daphne Read

Eileen Angel  - Guildford Craft school

Donald Harris   - Guildford Technical School

Joyce Fey – Kingston Commercial School

Cyril V. Jenkins


14th August 1944

School reopened.

23 boys and 24 girls taken off roll.  2 boys and 5 girls arrived.  Miss P.E. Church commenced duty on supply.     Mrs. Stevens absent from duty as assistant cook in the canteen.  Mrs. Stevens will be away during the period her crippled daughter is at home from a specialist school.

15th August 1944

Miss L. Felgate absent from duty today suffering from biliousness.  National Savings £41.  Mr. A.W. Stollery visited the school pm.

16th August 1944

Miss L. Felgate returned to duty this morning.

Air raid alert this morning and children taken to shelters 9.25am to 10.00am.

17th August 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

18th August 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.    School nurse examined the heads of all children present.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 329  av. Att. 267.7

                      Evacuees – On roll:  60 av. Att. 50.5

21st August 1944

Air raid alerts and children taken to the shelters occurred at the following times through today.





All Clear




Historical note:  These could have been Flying Bomb alerts.   On this day a numerous V1 flying bombs landed all over the district.  Anecdotally two landed along Byfleet Road and a further at 5 Burnt Common Send and killed three or four members of the Privett family, who were eating a lunch, as well as causing considerable collateral damage to surrounding properties.


Flying Bomb article that appeared in the Woking News and Mail


22nd August 1944

Air raid alerts today were 12.30 to 12.40pm.

National Savings amounted to £37-10-0.

23rd August 1944

A ministry of Information Film Show was given in the school this afternoon from 2pm to 3.05pm.

24th August 1944

Mr. Howard, Board of Education Inspector paid a short visited this afternoon.  Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

25th August 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 327  av. Att. 274.9

                      Evacuees – On roll:  60 av. Att. 50.5

28th August 1944

Air raid alert and children in the shelters 3.05pm to 4.00pm.  Children were dismissed for the afternoon.

29th August 1944

National Savings today totalled £30.  

Air raid alerts





All Clear




31st August 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school.  Nurse visited the school am.

1st September 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 323  av. Att. 278.4

                      Evacuees – On roll:  63 av. Att. 51.5

5th September 1944

Mr. C.S. Finbow absent from duty on medical certificate suffering from inflammation of the groin.  School Nurse visited pm.

6th September 1944

Manager’s meeting was held in the Staff Room at 2.15pm.   Mrs. G.C. Hooper was appointed to the permanent staff of the school for the duration of the war.

7th September 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school.


8th September 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 323  av. Att. 275.9

                      Evacuees – On roll:  64 av. Att. 54.5

11th September 1944

Mr. Finbow returned to duty this morning.

12th September 1944

National Savings today amounted to £44-10-0.

14th September 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

15th September 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 319  av. Att. 276.7

                      Evacuees – On roll:  59 av. Att. 53.2

19th September 1944

National Savings today amounted to £38

Mrs. M. McGrath attended County Hall for interview for Headship of Muschamp Road, Carshalton and Mr. Finbow attended a similar interview for Station Road School, Egham during the afternoon.

21st September 1944

Mr. Jarman and Mr. Bryan visited this morning.    Mr. A. Adams OBE, Divisional H.M.I. and Miss George, assistant H.M.I. visited the school this afternoon.

22nd September 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 316  av. Att. 280.6

                      Evacuees – On roll:  58 av. Att. 50.2

26th September 1944

Mr. A.W. Stollery visited the school.

27th September 1944

Miss Venning visited the school am.

28th September 1944

Mr. Jenkins attended a meeting of the Junior Technical and Commercial Schools Examination Boards at County Hall today.   Mr. Jarman visited the school.

29th September 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 318  av. Att. 278.8

                      Evacuees – On roll:  58 av. Att. 53.7

School was closed this afternoon until 16th October.

Cyril V. Jenkins

16th October 1944

School reopened this morning.   14  Boys and 12 girls taken off roll.

Admissions from





West Byfleet Junior School




New Haw Junior School




Byfleet Junior School




Pyrford Junior School




Other schools








Notification has been received that Miss Pamela Church has been transferred to the staff of West Moseley Girls Central School.

Mrs. W.R. Linton, B.A. commenced duty on supply this morning.     Miss E. Aldridge who is a B.Sc is a student at Kings College London is taking Domestic Science.

18th October 1944

Mr. Jenkins attending the Metropolitan Evacuation Authorities Moderating Board Meeting at County Hall Westminster for the purpose of setting papers for the 1945 Special Place Examination.

19th October 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.   Mr. Jenkins attended a meeting of the S.E.C. Consultative Board at County hall Kingston pm.

20th October 1944

School nurse visited the school and examined all children present am.  Miss Dixon, Canteen Organiser, visited the canteen today.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 357 av. Att. 332.8

                      Evacuees – On roll:  62 av. Att. 57.1

23rd October 1944

Dr. Arning assisted by Miss Kennedy conducted medical inspections today.  Children due to leave at Easter 1945 were examined.

25th October 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school.   Mr. Bryan visited the school.  Mr. Stollery and Mr. Anderson visited the school.  Miss Ursula Callis was interviewed and appointed to the staff of the school to commence duty on 1st December.  Miss Callis later withdrew.    A Ministry of Information Film Show was given in the Hall this afternoon from 2 to 3pm.

27th October 1944

Miss Peach, Speech Therapist, visited the school pm.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 367 av. Att. 336.3

                      Evacuees – On roll:  60 av. Att. 55.4

31st October 1944

National Savings today totalled £37.

2nd November 1944

Mr. Jarman and Miss Kennedy visited the school.

3rd November 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 358  av. Att. 325.6

                      Evacuees – On roll:  59 av. Att. 57.9

7th November 1944

National Savings today £37.

8th November 1944

Mr. Bryan visited the school am.

9th November 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

10th November 1944

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 358  av. Att. 323.7

                      Evacuees – On roll:  59 av. Att. 50.3

13th November 1944

Joyce Key who had already gained a special place for Kingston Commercial School has been granted a special place as a late entry to Woking County School for Girls.   Ann Walton and Ann Coulter have been called for interview at Guildford School for Girls for a similar award.

14th November 1944

National savings today total £34.

16th November 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school.

17th November 1944

Jean Pook and Jean Bell have been awarded Special Places at Kingston Day Commercial School.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 360  av. Att. 320.1

                      Evacuees – On roll:  59 av. Att. 48.6

20th November 1944

Mr. F. Payton Gunton visited the school this morning to try out the draft English papers for the June Special Place Alternative Examination.   Mr. Anderson, County P.T. Organiser, visited the school pm.

21st November 1944

Miss Joan Ward, Ash Wyke Council School, visited the school in connection with the vacancy for PT specialist.

National Savings today £38.

22nd November 1944

Kenneth Battersby has been awarded a Special Place at Kingston Technical School while Kenneth King, has been called up for Oral Examination for Guildford Technical School.

Ann Coulter and Ann Walton have been awarded a “late entry” place at Guildford County School.

23rd November 1944

Mr. Jarman and Mr. Bryan visited the school this morning.

24th November 1944

Miss Kennedy visited the school am.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 360 av. Att. 332.0

                      Evacuees – On roll:  59 av. Att. 51.4

28th November 1944

National Savings today £37-0-0.

30th November 1944

Mr. Jarman visited school am.

1st December 1944

Mr. A.W. Stollery and Mr. Anderson visited the school and interview Miss Joan Ward from Ash Wyke Council School.  Miss Ward was appointed and is to commence duty on 8th January 1945.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 358  av. Att. 336.8

                      Evacuees – On roll:  59 av. Att. 54.2

4th December 1944

Mrs. C. Avern visited the school and checked the registers which were found to be correct.   Mr. Allsopp absent this morning visiting and attending an interview for the Headship of Ash Memorial School.

National Savings today £32

5th December 1944

Mr. Jenkins absent attending a Special N.V.T. Conference in London.

A mangers meeting was held in school this afternoon.  Miss Aldridge concluded per period of school practice today.

6th December 1944

Mr. A.A. Bliaux, headmaster of Horsell C.E. school gave a talk to forms IVA and IVR 2.40pm on Geology.  Mr. Bliaux also presented a number of geological specimens to the school.

7th December 1944

Mr. Allsopp absent suffering from an injury to his eye.  Mr. Jenkins visited County hall for consultation with C.E.O. on teachers in Receptions Areas.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 358  av. Att. 319.2

                      Evacuees – On roll:  59 av. Att. 50.5

A few cases of scarlet fever have been reported.

Enis Taylor has been awarded an art Scholarship tenable at Kingston School of Art.

11th December 1944

A representative of the Ministry of labour interviewed all children due to leave school at the end of term.

13th December 1944

Mr. Jenkins attended a meeting of the Evacuating Authorities Moderating Board at County Hall, Westminster today.

Mr, Bryan visited the school am.

14th December 1944

Mr. Jenkins attended a meeting of the Technical and Commercial Examinations Board at County Hall Kingston this morning.

Mr. Jarman visited the school am.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 358  av. Att. 303.4

                      Evacuees – On roll:  59 av. Att. 52.5

20th December 1944

So that Mr. Baker could be present in Kingfield school on Tuesday he attended here for duty today.   Mr. Stollery visited the school in the afternoon. 


Three plays were performed by staff to the children.   These were


“The Ole in the Road”

The Winde   - Mr. Jenkins

The Workman – Mr. Allsopp


“The Mechanical Man”

Jock Temperley – Mr. Penn

Eileen his wife – Mrs. Linton

Hon. Percival – Mr. Allsopp

Adeline Percival, his Aunt – Miss Edwards

Lucy, the maid – Miss Aldridge

Peggy and Joan (nieces) – Miss Dodwell and Miss Felgate


“The Ugly Duckling”

The King – Mr. Jenkins

The Queen – Miss King

The Princess – Miss Dodwell

Dulcabella, a maid – Miss Felgate

Prince Simon – Mr. Penn

Carlo, his attendant – Mr. Finbrow

Chancellor – Mr. Hansford


21ST December 1944

Mr. Jarman visited the school.

Attendance:    Surrey – On roll : 358  av. Att. 296.6

                      Evacuees – On roll:  59 av. Att. 55.0

School closed for the Christmas holidays.  Mrs. Linton concluded duty on supply.