West Byfleet Secondary school: log book for 1957

9th January 1957

Mrs. Archer, Mr. Stock and Mr. Rendell commenced duties.

11th January 1957

Students (Shoreditch T.C.) began T.C. until February 3rd.

14th January 1957

I attended a Common Entrance Meeting for Heads at the Woking Grammar School at 3pm.

15th January 1957

Hygiene Inspection 9.30 A.M.

Staff Meeting 3.45P.M.

22nd January 1957

School closed all day for Common Entrance Exam.

28th January 1957

Meeting of parents of 13+ candidates this afternoon 2.15pm.

29th January 1957

Talk to Summer leavers by JEO A.M.

I left the school at 2.10 P.M. to attend a meeting of the secondary heads at the Woking Grammar School regarding 13+.

31st January 1957

Mr. Semple absent (A.M.) for interview.

1st February 1957

W. Griffiths reach the final of the Surrey Schools Boxing Association Championships at Camberley.

4th February 1957

Form 3a visited Newark Abbey in connection with their project.

5th February 1957

Medical Exam all day.


6th February 1957

Mr. Jarvis visited re; Welding apparatus and inspected the Engineering Course.

8th February 1957

Engineering Course boys visited Kingston Power station.

14th February 1957

Miss Phillips absent for interview.

15th February 1957

Miss Phillips absent for interview A.M.

19th February 1957

Interview for Easter leavers – J.E.O. (Girls)

21st February 1957

Interview for Easter leavers – J.E.O. (Boys)

22nd February 1957

Fire Drill was carried out.

25th February 1957

Mr. Stollery talked to the VIth form on Byfleet in connection with the social survey.

26th February 1957

Appointments meeting was held at 2.30pm.

Mrs. Craig, Mr. Huff and Mr. Underwood were appointed to the staff from 6th May 1957.   Mrs. Mitchell’s and Miss Sinclair’s temporary appointments were confirmed.  A lecture on “Craft Tailoring as a Career” was given at 3pm by a lecturer from the I.W.S.

27th February 1957

Mr. Lark absent – interview.

28th February 1957

Mr. Butchers, H.M.I. visited the school and inspected the Engineering workshop and Drawing Office,

1st March 1957

The school closed until Wednesday 6th march for the half term holiday.

6th March 1957

School reopened.  Miss Sinclair absent (until 11/3/57) visit of factory inspector – re: welding apparatus.

11th March 1957

Visit of Mr. A. Anderson P.E. Officer for Surrey.

8th March 1957

Exam. Week for the Engineering Course began.  The monthly staff meeting held at 3.45pm.  (On Saturday 8th March the school took part in the Cross Country race organised by the Woking Athletic Club.  We obtained 5th position among ten schools competing.


See report Full race report - cross-country 1957


13th March 1957

Mr. Reeve attended to measure the school premises with regard to the proposals to alter the cleaner’s and caretaker’s hours.

14th March 1957

School closed (A.M.) for the Common Entrance Exam.

AS party of Via visited the Guildford repertoire Theatre to see a performance of Julius Caesar.

15th March 1957

Mr. Lilley appointed assistant caretaker.

18th March 1957

The party spending their holiday (summer) abroad visited the London Casino for a performance of the film “Cinerama”.

A party of girls visited the Ideal Homes Exhibition.  Miss Mitchell absent assessing (until 21st March 1957).

19th March 1957

A Governor’s meeting was held at Fullbrook CSS at 2.15pm.

20th March 1957

The school choir took part in the Woking and District Music Festival.  Miss Ward acted as the official accompanist for the festival.

21st March 1957

A burglary took place last night.

25th March 1957

Replay for 1st league position at Sheerwater for the cup – Knaphill v. W. Byfleet (score 11-13) ‘A’ team.   

26th March 1957

Replay as above for ‘B’ team – score 10-9.

29th March 1957 (Sat)

A party went to Wembley to see the England v. Wales school boy match.

1st April 1957

A party of VB boys visited London to se a Safety First (prevention of Accidents) Exhibition.

Mr. Stollery talked to 6a re: their social survey 2pm.

3rd April 1957

A netball rally was held at 3pm.   The champions (league) v. rest matches were played.   Trophies were presented by Mrs. F.W. Goodger to the winning team.

Results “A” Devn Knaphil C.S.S.

And “B” West Byfleet C.S.S.

4th April 1957

Rev. Meek conducted the morning service.

10-11th April 1957

A musical evening was given by Miss. Ward and the school choir and instrumentalists.

12th April 1957

The J.E.O. gave a talk to the girls of the commercial course on “Commercial Opportunities”.

3.45pm Netball match – GO Girls v. the school.

15th April 1957

A farewell party to staff leaving was given by 6a and upper 6a 5pm – 9pm.

17th April 1957

School closed for Easter holidays until 6th May.  Messrs. Philips and Deed and Messrs. Lark and Semple cease duties here today.

6th May 1957

School reopened after Easter holiday.  Messrs. Hutt and Underwood joined the permanent staff and Miss Davy the temporary.

9th May 1957

Miss Bradfield and Mr. Horney called to explore possibility of washing up facilities being installed.

Hygiene inspection 1.30pm.

10th May 1957

Messrs. Herman Taylor (Shoreditch TC) commenced a weeks school practice.

13th May 1957

Staff Meeting 3.45pm.

14th May 1957

S.E. Elec. Boards Lectures (8 weeks) began.

17th May 1957

I left the school at 2.15pm to attend the opening of the Grange (New Haw) Primary School.

20th May 1957

Mr. Few, temp. staff, absent taking exam. In London   Mrs. Purlett began duties as part time commercial teacher.

23rd May 1957

Miss Ward took a party of senior girls to the Woking Day Nursery.

24th May 1957

Mr. Stollery conducted an Empire Day Service at 9.15am today.

27th May 1957

A lecture by a director of Smith Clocks was given to the upper school this afternoon,

28th May 1957

Miss. Mitchell took a party to Silchester and Reading Museum. 

 This afternoon the school choir had a BBC audition as a result of which they were chosen to broadcast on 5th December in the school’s services.

29th May 1957

Miss Parnell absent (pm) for interview.

30th May 1957

A lecture by the Imperial Institute was given to the Upper School at 11AM“The Golden Mile”

31st May 1957

Mr. Keys H.M.I. visited the school to see the students on school practice.  He also inspected the Engineering work of the school.

3rd June 1957

G.C.E. Craftwork paper – pm.

J.A. Tassie, Esq., gave the VIth a lecture on “Tea Planting in India”.

4th June 1957

Interviews for Summer Leavers (Boys)

G.C.E. paper – craftwork practical.

5th June 1957

Woking and District School Sports.

Mr. W. (Bill) Nankeville  presented the trophies.


The school scored 10 firsts, 9 seconds and 5 thirds.


Junior girls

1st West Byfleet, 2nd Goldsworth 3rd Monument Hill

Senior Girls

1st ??? 2nd Bisley 3rd Sheerwater

Junior Boys

1st West Byfleet, 2nd Kingfield 3rd Sheerwater

Senior Boys

1st Bisley 2nd West Byfleet, 3rd Mayford

Hurdles – 70 yards

2nd S. Coleman

100 yards – boys under 12 yrs

1st R. Hale

100 yards – boys under 13 yrs

1st T. Miller

100 yards – boys under 15 yrs

2nd J. Tanner 3rd D. Brooks

100 yards – boys 15-17 yrs

2nd M. Boardman

150 yards – girls under 15 yrs

2nd J. Maskell     3rd P. Carn

440 yards relay boys under 13 yrs


440 yards relay boys under 15 yrs


440 yards relay girls under 15 yrs


440 yards relay boys 15-17


880 yards boys 15-17 yrs

2nd S. Coker

High jump boys under 13 yrs

3rd J. Ling

High jump girls under 13 yrs

1st J. Keene – record 4ft 3 in (prev. 4ft ½ in)

High jump girls under 15 yrs

2nd Barton

Long jump boys 11-13 yrs

1st Elkins 3rd R. Mills

Long jump boys under 15 yrs

2nd Pateman

Long jump boys 15-17 yrs

1st P. Robinson

Javelin girls under 15 yrs

1st A. Britten

Javelin boys 15-17 yrs

1st B. Cawsey – record 132ft 9 in

Discus boys under 15 yrs

1st P. Gibson

Discus boys 15-17 yrs

2nd P. Tolhurst

6th June 1957

Interviews– summer leavers (girls)

7th June 1957

The school closed today for the Whitsun holidays until Monday 17th June.

17th June 1957

School reopened.

Staff Meeting at 3.45pm.

18th June 1957

A party of senior girls visited Pyrford Hospital and one of 40 second year children spent the day at Southampton.

21st June 1957

A party spent the day at Guildford Show.  Miss Voller visited the school and saw Mrs. Parlett.

25th June 1957

A senior party visited Flexees.

1st July 1957

Today the first boys in the history of the school sat the G.C.E. examination (4) other boys took 2 papers in the R S A Group Technical Examination.

2nd July 1957

Miss Ward attended a Music Conference at Glyn House.

3rd July 1957

A lecturer at the I.W.S. gave a lecture to the Upper School on “The History of British Tailoring”.

10th July 1957

A meeting of the school governors was held in West Byfleet County Primary School.

11th July 1957

The annual inter House sports were held this am.


16th July 1957

Talks to Xmas leavers.

17th July 1957

School closed for Parish day to work it contributed exhibitions of Art, Needlework, English project and Engineering.

19th July 1957

This week a party of girls were taken “Youth Hostelling” by Miss Parnell.

23rd July 1957

A party of senior boys visited “H.M.S. Mercury” at the Dock Yard at Portsmouth.

25th July 1957

Sergeant Leason spoke to the school on the subject of handling dangerous missiles on W.D. Land.

27th July 1957

School closed for summer holidays until 3rd September.

During the holiday news was received that boys who took the G.C.E. in July had been 100% successful.    12 boys passed the RSA Group Technical Exam in six subjects (English, English Literature, Maths, mechanics, Geometrical and Technical Drawing and Engineering Metalwork).    Seven other boys gained amount them 19 single subjects in this exam.

Summary of External Exam results since the Engineering Course for boys was inaugurated in June 1956:

May 1956

23 boys worked 80 papers in the County Preliminary Exam, in English, maths, science and Technical Drawing.   

45 passed +19 passes with credit.

May 1957

30 boys worked 73 papers in the County Preliminary Exam.   32 passed +34 passes with credit +4 passes with distinction.

July 1957

4 candidates submitted G.C.E. in Geometrical Drawing and Engineering Metalwork.  Result 100% passes.

Average mark – Geometrical Drawing 60%.   Craftwork metal 58.3%.

4 candidates submitted for R.S.A. Geometrical Technical Certificated Exam.   2 passed the whole certificate.  49 papers worked 31 passed +15 passes with credit.

3rd September 1957

School reopened.

Miss Boarg, Mrs. Stellas (temp) and Mr. Hudson joined the school staff.  Mrs. Jenkins (supply) absent for one month.

4th September 1957

Staff Meeting 3.34pm.

10th September 1957

Hygiene Inspection all day.

23rd September 1957

Meeting of parents of boys following the Engineering Course held in the school at 7.15pm.

24th September 1957

Talks by J.E.O. to Easter Leavers A.M.

27th September 1957

B.C.G. held this AM.  Miss Mitchell ceases duty today (approaching motherhood).

1st October 1957

Mrs. Archer absent (also 2 and 3/10/1957) attending a Sewing machine course at Glyn House, Ewell.

7th and 8th October 1957

Medical examination held all day.

97 children absent.

7th October 1957

Mrs. Stellar, Miss Boarg, Mr. Underwood and Mrs. Partlett absent ill.   Miss Sinclair still absent.

9th October 1957

Notification received that Alan Hindell has been selected for the County Swimming Team to compete against Kent with National Championship on 25th and 26th October.

(163 children absent due to illness).

10th October 1957

Mrs. Parlett resumed duties – others still absent.

11th October 1957

Miss Field appointed P.E. teacher in succession to Mrs. J. Wincott who is leaving at Xmas.

14th October 1957

Miss Sinclair and Mr. Underwood resumed duties.  Staff meeting at 3.45pm.

15th October 1957

Miss Boarg resumed duties.  Mrs. Stellar still absent.

16th October 1957

6a party visited Guildford library.

24th October 1957

United Nations Day service held.

25th October 1957

School closed for Autumn Holiday.

4th November 1957

School reopened.

5th November 1957

I left the school at 2.45pm to attend a meeting of Heads re; the coming 13+ transfer.

6th November 1957

Maths Conference 3.45pm

11th November 1957

Mr. Rendell resumed duties after a spell in hospital.

13th November 1957

Speech Day.

11am Morning Service – Church of St. John, West Byfleet

Conducted by Rev. A.J. Costin, MA, preacher

                      Rev. G. Meek, B.A., Rector of Byfleet

2.45pm Presentation of prizes.

                     Dr. Marston, Chief Inspector of Surrey Schools.


Speech Day Programme for 1957


Small press report for the speech day


18th November 1957

Mr. Moong commenced duties.

21st November 1957

6a party visited Guildford Rep. Theatre to see a performance of “Richard II”.

25th November 1957

All absent staff resumed duties.

26th November 1957

Dr. Marston, Mr. Jarvis and Voller visited the school to see me regarding the future development of courses.

28th November 1957

Miss Pattison and Mr. Stone of the BBC visited the school for a rehearsal of the school choir for the broadcast on 5th December.

29th November 1957

School closed for publishers Exhibition.

5th December 1957

The school choir broadcast in the Music to Schools Series.

6th December 1957

Meeting of parents 2,15pm – 13+ transfers.  Miss Voller attended.

B.C.G. A.M.

9th December 1957

B.C.G. A.M.

16th December 1957

Fire Drill was carried out – pm.

Mr. Butchers H.M.I. visited during the afternoon.

17th December 1957

Leaver’s party 4.30pm – 8.30pm.

20th December 1957

Mr. Short absent for Headship interview at Southampton.

School closed for Xmas holidays until 8th January 1957.

Mr. Underwood ceased duties in this school.