West Byfleet Secondary school: log book for 1958

8th January 1958

School reopened for the Spring Term.    Mr. Mooney and Miss Field joined the staff.

Miss Davey absent ill (until 13/1/58) and Mrs. Archer during the afternoon for domestic reasons.

13th January 1958

Mr. Reese called re; the extensive damage done to the “pavilion” on the school playing field.

Miss Ward and I attend a Common Entrance meeting at Woking at 3pm.

16th January 1958

All day dental inspection.

20th January 1958

Staff Meeting 3.45 p.m.

21st January 1958

Governors meeting at this school at 2.15pm.

23rd January 1958

All day Dental inspection.

W. Griffiths through to final of Surrey Boxing Championships (school).

24th January 1958

Hygiene Inspection.   Meeting of staff with 6’A’s at 3.45pm.

28th January 1958

School closed for Common Entrance.

29th January 1958

Medical Exam A.M.

31st January 1958

W. Griffiths won the Surrey Schools Boxing Champ at 7st 3 lbs.  Later attended County Colours V. Kent, Sussex & Hants.

3rd February 1958

Medical Examination A.M.

4th February 1958

Chess Match v. Fullbrook 3.45pm.

10th February 1958

School Magazine “The Link” inaugurated.

11th February 1958

Interviews for Easter leavers (boys)

12th February 1958

Mrs. Jenkins appointed to the permanent staff.

13th February 1958

Interviews for Easter leavers (girls).  Orchestra inaugurated,

19th February 1958

Mr. Anderson, P.E. officer, visited.

20th February 1958

Mr. Stone, H.M.I. visited.

21st February 1958

Miss Duns H.M.I. visited.   School closed for half term until 26th February 1958.

26th February 1958

13+ transfer panel visited the school.  Mr. Short absent (until 28/2/58) on a Maths course.

28th February 1958

3C visited Guildford Cathedral and museum.

3rd March 1958

Meeting of West Byfleet Residents’ Association in the School Hall at 8.15pm.

4th March 1958

I was absent serving on the 13+ panel at Epsom C.S. boys’ school.

5th March 1958

I was absent serving on the 13+ panel at Cheam C.S. girls’ school.

3a and 3b girls visit to the Ideal Homes exhibition.

6th March 1958

Mr. Honor appointed groundsman.

7th March 1958

Chess match v. Fullbrook at home – lost 3-6.

Sat. 8th March 1958

Football v. Cove Sec. (Mr. Charles Montrose – sports master in charge)

10th March 1958

Engineering commercial courses examin. Week.

11th March 1958

Mr. Foot, Head of Ottershaw, visited to interview candidates for his school.

12th March 1958

Netball v. Sheerwater C.S. S.   School won these two matches, there we have

(a)     won the District ‘B’ netball cup.

(b)    Tied for the District ‘A’ netball cup.

17th March 1958

Self absent, 13+ transfers at Epsom St. Josephs, R.C. School.

18th March 1958

School closed A.M. for the second Common Entrance Exam.   6a+ girls sat the R.S.A. Stage I typewriting exam.

19th March 1958

The school choir took part in the Woking School Music Festival (see critique attached to opposite page).

Two 5a+ girls sat the R.S.A. Stage I shorthand exam.

20th March 1958

Self absent, 13+ transfers, Ashtead, St. Andrews R.C.

21st March 1958

Self absent 13+ transfers.

-          Parkside and Glenek House, East Horsley

The JEO visited for talks to Summer leavers

24th March 1958

Self absent 13+ transfers

Procedure ‘B’ Divisional office, Epsom.

Mrs. Bartlett absent attending a one day commercial course at Glynn House.

25th March 1958

Form VIa held a lunch today to which the chairman, the Senior Master and myself were invited.

Mr Rendell absent – checkup Roehampton Hospital.

The final of the under 13 football cup was played this evening on the Woking Football ground.

Result – West Byfleet 2, Kingfield 0 (after extra time).

27th March 1958

Final Netball Demonstration and presentation of cups at Sheerwater C.S.S.    Eight 6a boys visited James Walker accompanied by Mr. Hutt.

28th March 1958

Fire Drill held at 3.20pm.

31st March 1958

A musical afternoon was held – it was first the school choir “orchestra” instrumentals and dualists’. 

Mr. Chas Mortmore brought three football teams from Cove Secondary School

Results – over 15 –lost 5-6

               Under 15 – lost 2-3

               Under 13 – won 2-0

1st April 1956

Staff v. children – netball result.

2nd April 1958

The school closed for the Easter holiday until Monday 21st April 1958.

21st April 1958

School reopened after the Easter holiday.

22nd April 1958

Mr. Williams took a party of boys to Mullards.

23rd April 1958

Netball v. old girls 3.45pm

25th April 1958

Teaching students began practice (until 16/5/58)

26th April 1958

Party visited Wembley – school boys’ football International.

28th April 1958

Natural History Club visited to Natural History Museum.

Staff Meeting 3.45pm.

29th April 1958

Governors’ Meeting Fullbrook C.S.S. 2.15pm

2nd May 1958

Hygiene inspection A.M.

5th May 1958

R.S.A. Stage 1 Typewriting exam 2pm

Medical exam A.M.

6th May 1958

R.S.A Stage I Shorthand Exam 2pm.

JEO talks to Summer Leavers.

7th May 1958

I was absent attending a course on Schools and Industry.

8th May 1958

Visit 3a and 4a girls Lullington Sick farm. Red Cross collection taken.

9th May 1958

Rev. A.J. Costin took the morning service.

R.S.A. Stage II typing 2pm

12th May 1958

R.S.A. Stage II shorthand 2pm.

County Prelim. Exam. started.

13th May 1958

6a+ visit to planetarium.

15th May 1958

3a visit to London Casino Seven Wonders of the World”.

16th May 1958

Mr. Loiskand (Head of Cranleigh) and two staff visited the school for the day.

19th May 1958

I was absent today attending a conference on the Teaching of Science.

6c visited Greenwich observatory and the “Cutty Sark”.

21st May 1958

Medical Exam A.M.

23rd May 1958

Empire Day Service held.   School closed the Whitsun Holiday.

During the holiday walking tour (May 27th)

Aldershot/Farnham/Waverley/Tilford’s Frensham Great Pond / (Hutt)

3rd June 1958

Interviews all day (JEO) Summer leavers – boys.

5th June 1958

Interviews all day (JEO).  Summer leavers – girls.

6th June 1958

2nd year ‘B’ stream visited the Science Museum.

9th June 1958

1st year ‘B’ steam visited the Natural History Museum.

12th June 1958

3rd year ‘B’ stream girls visited Louise Lawrence House, Worplesdon.

17th June 1958

Eye Testing A.M.

18th June 1958

Rowe, Renham and May chosen for District Cricket Team v. Weybridge.

Speller, Brookes and Tanner chosen to run at the county sports for the District Team.

19th June 1958

Senior Girls visit to offices of Vickers, Weybridge.

20th June 1958

Rev. Costin formed the school Society.

23rd June 1958

Mr. Rendell absent.

26th June 1958

Meeting of all Heads of Division (Dr. Marston on new mental testing) 2.30pm.

30th June 1958

Gloos (?) visited re; estimates.

1st July 1958

6c luncheon party.

3rd July 1958

Visit Woking Telephone Exchange (senior girls).

Visit Southampton docks (2nd year)

6th July 1958

Visit Dress Show, Guildford School (senior girls).

I left the school at 2.20pm to attend the official opening of the new Woking County School for girls.

7th July 1958

Our team took part in the Woking Swimming Gala.

8th July 1958

Miss Ward visited Cheam Girls CSS.

9th July 1958

Mrs. Keene appointed cook in charge (from 2/9/58).

10th July 1958

Governors meeting held at W. Byfleet C.P. school.

11th July 1958

Visit (4th year ‘C’) to Commonwealth Institute.

15th July 1958

School magazine in print.

I attended an Army Cadets Parade at Sheerwater CSS 2.15pm.

16th July 1958

Parish Day (school closed).  Exhibition of English, D.Sc., Needlework, Art, Metalwork.

Woking and District School Sports.   Jennifer Maskell ~ record for 150 yards.

Runners up Boys 15-17

3rd boys under 15

4th girls under 15

17th July 1958

A Dress Show was staged by the girls (dresses made for Parish Day Exhibition).    Mr. A. Anderson called.

Visit 4th year ‘B’ Prints(?) Collection, Northwood.


18th July 1958

Inter House Sports Day.  Rev A.J. Costin presented the prizes.



22nd July 1958

Meeting of “intake” parents at 2.15pm.

24th July 1958

Fire Drill 12.2pm.

25th July 1958

School closed for Summer holidays.

2nd September 1958

School reopened.  Timetable has been changed obviating the break in the afternoon.

3rd September 1958

Miss Voller visited A.M.

5th September 1958

Mrs. Lloyd made a member of the permanent staff.

8th September 1958

Staff Meeting 3.45pm.

15th September 1958

Webb and Clactson (4c) suspended for 2 weeks by the Chairman of the Governors.

19th September 1958

B.C.G. initial skin test.    Students commenced teaching practice until 10/10/58.

24th September 1958

B.C.G. vaccination today.

25th September 1958

4B boys visited the Mint.

26th September 1958

Hygiene Inspection.   Peter Tolhust given an engineering apprenticeship with Vickers Armstrong Ltd.,

29th September 1958

5th year boys visited the Chertsey Iron Foundry.

30th September 1958

Talks by JEO (Easter Leavers).

1st October 1958

Radage visited Chertsey Iron foundry to cast the base of the drill he is making.

3rd October 1958

Mrs. Steller absent due to the illness of her cat!! No pay has been recommended.

7th October 1958

Medical Examination all day.

9th October 1958

A maths conference held at 3.50pm.

10th October 1958

Mr. Mooney absent to attend his brother’s wedding.

14th October 1958

Medical Exam. all day.

15th October 1958

Interviews Xmas leavers (boys).

16th October 1958

Interviews Xmas leavers (girls).

I attended a Heads meeting at “Lismore” at 2.30pm.

21st October 1958

The children attended a festival concert on percussion instruments at Woking (Woking Dist. School Music Association).

22nd October 1958

B.C.G. Reading A.M.

24th October 1958

UN Day Service at 9.15a.m. taken by A.W. Stollery Esq.   Address on work of UN by H.M.

School closed for autumn holiday,

3rd November 1958

School reopened after holiday.

4th November 1958

Art movement students until 28/11/58 (Tues, Thurs).  Mr. Butchers H.M.I. called.

5th November 1958

Messrs. Langham and Richardson called re: New playing field.

7th November 1958

Round 2 Verse speaking competition pm.

8th November 1958 (Sat)

I visited school as a result in response of a theft of woodwork tools from room 5.

10th November 1958

I visited Vickers Armstrong to confer re: apprentices.

11th November 1958

Governors’ meeting at Sheerwater CSS during which it was announced that the school was to have a selective Grammar course as from September 1959.

12th November 1958

Mr. Short took two senior boys on a visit to London Airport at the invitation of a parent.

13th November 1958

A film on “Marine Engineering” was shown to the Senior boys by the JEO.

15th November 1955 (Sat)

I again visited the school in response to a report that a second burglary had occurred – Room 16 – display articles for Speech day stolen.

17th November 1955

S. Coker resat his G.C.E. English Language.


19th November 1958

21st Birthday Speech Day.

 Speech Day Programme for 1958

Speech Day article in the Woking News & Mail 1958

25th November 1958

Meeting of parents (13+ transfers) School Hall 2.15pm.

26th November 1958

Five senior girls sat for the R.S.A. Stage I shorthand Exam.

27th November 1958

R.S.A. Shorthand Stage II – two girls,

1st December 1958

R.S.A. Stage II Typewriting Exam – one girl.

5th December 1958

Final – verse speaking competition.  Winners V. Simes, M. Greet.

3 boys chosen under 14 District Football team v. Croydon.

8th December 1958

I was absent all day indisposed.

15th December 1958

I left school at 3pm to attend Mr. Higgins’ cremation at Kingston Crematorium.

A third burglary reported – night of 14-15th December – canteen Xmas pudding stolen.

17th December 1958

Leaver’s Party.

18th December 1958

Fire Drill 9.15A.M.

19th December 1958

School closed for Xmas holidays until 7th January 1959,

On the day before Speech Day (re; 18th Nov) the chairman (Mr. A.W. Stollery) of the Governors was taken ill.   At the time of writing he is gravely ill in Chertsey hospital.

On Speech Day his daughter received a presentation to mark his 21 years service as Chairman.