West Byfleet Secondary school: log book for 1960

6th January 1960

The spring term began.

.Mr. C.J. Vernon commenced duties.

8th January 1960

Two students from Shoreditch T.C. began teaching practice (until 29th January 1960).

11th January 1960

Staff Meeting 3.45P.M.

The groundsman resigned.

Visit (evening) to Farnham Reposity Theatre.

18th January 1960

John French through to the 1st round of the Surrey schools Boxing Championships.

Mr. A. Anderson called A.M.

19th January 1960

Mr. Elworthy D.E.O. called A.M.

20th January 1960

Mr. Holm called A.M.

Talks to Summer leavers A.M.

21st January 1960

I left school at 11.15 to attend a meeting presided over by the C.E.O., Mr. Baird, at “Lismore”.


22nd January 1960

Carol Stringer passed stage II Typing R.S.AS.  Susan Kaye passed stage I Typing R.S.A.

23rd January 1960

(Saturday) Ia and Ia II visited the Natural History Museum.

26th January 1960

School closed for C.E.E. all day.

Mr. Dixley called (P.M.) re: the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.

27th January 1960

School used for Polio Immunisation 5-7 P.M.

(Sat. evening John French won his bout in the Surrey Schools Boxing Championship and qualified for the final on Monday next).

Interviews for Courses leavers all day.

28th January 1960

Interviews for courses leavers all day.

1st February 1960

Miss Ward absent indisposed.  Staff Meeting 3.45 P.M.

David Bovington, Raymond Lacey chosen for County Chess Team V. Middlesex.

Collection for Oxford Community for famine Relief (Water Refuge Tear) £13-3-0d.

2nd February 1960

Interviews for Easter leavers (all day).

John French lost on points in the first of the Surrey Schools Boxing Championship.

The under 13 football team beat Kingfield C.S.S. in the under 13 cup and qualified to play in the final.

Mrs. Bruton absent. 

3rd February 1960

Medical Examinations A.M.

Mrs. Bruton still absent.

Mr. Cook, area organiser, called regarding the inauguration of the Cycling Proficiency Scheme.

4th February 1960

3G and 4T visit to C.W.S. Bakery, Guildford.  Mr. Butchers, H.M.I. visited.

Mrs. Bruton returned.

Chess v. Walton C.S.S. 4½ to 3½.

8th February 1960

Eye testing (medical) Wednesday.

9th February 1960

The S.E.C. Bibles were presented to children by the chairman of the school governors.   He also received from Mr. & Mrs. Langridge, parents, a new School Bible.]A visit to Burligton House for the Winter Exhibition made P.M.

I reprimanded Mr. Hutt for possessing and using a cane without my permission.  I recon this because:

(a) 4th November 1959 I had to reprimand him for his marking being very much behind (in some cases as much as a month).   I also had to advise him to see that his classes were given more work to do and not to be occupied so much with activities that involved little or no working.

(b) On 18th January 1960 I had to reprimand him because of conduct by senior boys on a visit to the Farnham Repository Theatre being  condoned by him.

10th February 1960

Medical Examination A.M.

11th February 1960

Visit to the C.W.S. Dairy at Guildford.   I attended a meeting at “Lismore” at 9.30A.M.   G.C.E meeting (staff) 3.45P.M.

15th February 1960

House services held.  Fire drill carried out.

17th February 1960

Medical Exam A.M.

19th February 1960

Visit to Burlington House.  Miss Ward gave a piano recital to the school (P.M.).   During this, Mr. Butchers, H.M.I. called.

School closed until 24th February 1960 for half term holiday.

24th |February 1960

Mr. Rendell absent.

25th February 1960

Mr. Randall returned to duties.   A Governors’ meeting was held at Sheerwater C.S.S.

26th February 1960

I was absent all day ill.  A party visited Harvey’s Fashion Parade.

Mrs. Bruton absent (illness of a child).

29th February 1960

Mr. Rendall absent.

Mrs. Bruton returned.

1st March 1960

Mr. Durbridge appointed groundsman as from 7th March 1960.

2nd March 1960

Visit to Weyman’s Autos, Weybridge.  Officials from the County Architects Dept. called e: internal redecoration of the school.

4th March 1960

Mr. Rendall resumed duty.  Miss Voller spent most of the day here.

7th March 1960

Groundsman began duties.

Mr. Butchers, H.M.I. called pm.  Staff Meeting 3.45.

9th March 1960

Visit – Ideal Homes Exhibition.

11th March 1960

Miss Bradfield called to arrange the installation of the points for the electrically heated trolleys for the school canteen meals.

16th March 1960

Miss Voller called re: S A’s next year.

The school choir participated in the Woking Schools Music Festival this evening.

17th March 1960

Mr. Gromondson, Head of Bagshot C.S.S. called.

19th March 1960

(Sat).  A party visited the Natural History Museum.

21st March 1960

Mrs. Stone, H.M.I. and Mr. Dove, H.M.I. commenced the general inspection today (D.Sc. and Craft).

22nd March 1960

Mr. Dove continued the inspection.  Mr. Butchers called in yesterday and today.

23rd March 1960

Miss Macky, H.M.I., called to inspect school meals.

24th March 1960

Mr. Tringham, H.M.I. and Mr. Story, H.M.I., inspected the boys P.E.   Mr. Butcher, H.M.I. called yesterday and today.

25th March 1960

Mrs. Stone, H.M.I., concluded the D.Sc. inspection.

28th March 1960

Mr. Butchers, H.M.I., visited A.M.

29th March 1960

Mr. Butchers, Miss Conford, Mr. Beaseeb, Mr. Graton and Dr. Seg began three days inspection of the school.

1st April 1060

A Governors’ meeting was held at 3P.M. to receive the report of H.M.I.s on the school.

4th April 1960

Mrs. Bruton absent (resumed 8th April 1960).

7th April 1960

Junior, Intermediate, Senior Cross County races held A.M.

Open Day 7-9P.M. held – about 450 parents attended.

8th April 1960

Visit to Hoe Place Farm P.M.

12th April 1960

Miss Bradfield called P.M.

13th April 1960

School closed for Easter holiday.

2nd May 1960

School reopened.  Peter Gibson began duties as a student teacher.

6th May 1960

School closed. Princess Margaret’s wedding.

7th May 1960

(Sat) Party to Zoological gardens.

9th May 1960

Interviews for staff vacancies.  4 teachers appointed.

10th May 1960

John French chosen for County Cricket trail.

Mr. Rendall absent (hospital).

11th May 1960

Medical Exam (A.M.)

13th May 1960

R.S.A. Shorthand Exam results (Stage I) received.

100% passes for the first time (2 at 60 WPM credit, 1 at 50 WPM credit and 5 passes 50 WPM).

16th May 1960

Mrs. Croft absent attending course.   Medical Exam. (A.M.)

Mrs. Craig absent (operation in hospital).

Party attended performance of “Macbeth” at Sheerwater C.S.S.

29th May 1960

Stage I shorthand R.S.A.

Stage I Exam P.M.

23rd May 1960

Interviews for Summer leavers.

24th May 1960

Mr. Alarums Rundles reported to me that he was involved in a highly immoral situation.  “Mrs” Naphthalene Bounder, a member of this staff was expecting a child of which he was the father but he had no intention of marrying her.


Later Mrs. Naphthalene Bounder saw me and told me she would be leaving to get married at the end of next term.  I pointed out that Alarums Rundles had seen me in the morning and that he had stated that he would not marry her.


I saw Alarums Rundles again and told him that I had formed the opinion that he was guilty of immorality unbecoming a member of our profession.  This I also said to Mrs. Naphthalene Bounder.

25th May 1960

I reported the facts to the Chairman of the school Governors and to Mr. Elworthy, the D.E.O.

26th May 1960

I told Mrs. Naphthalene Bounder and Mr. Alarums Rundles that I had to have this matter dealt with officially (A.M.).  In the afternoon, the two were seen separately by the Chairman and myself.  They were advised to resign.  The woman agreed, the man asked for time.  He was given until the noon on Friday 27th May.

27th May 1960.

Mr. Alarums Rundles was found dead by electrocution in Room 16.

30th May 1960

I attended to give evidence at the Coroners’ Court at Woking.


1st June 1960

Woking District School Sports.

Mr. Jack Crump in his capacity as secretary to the British Amateur Athletic Board and member of Surrey County Council presented the trophies.

Winners boys 15-17 trophy for second year running.  3rd girls 15-17.

Under 13 girls

1st Knaphill (35), 2nd Monument Hill (27), 3rd Chobham (24)

Girls 13-17

1st Woking Grammar (30), 2nd Goldsworth (19), 3rd West Byfleet (13)

Boys under 15

1st Goldsworth (60), 2nd Sheerwater (45), 3rd Monument Hill (42)

Boys 15-17

1st West Byfleet, 2nd Kingfield, 3rd Knaphill (22)

100 yards – girls under 12 yrs

1st S. Goddard

100 yards – boys 12- 13 yrs

1st T. Cookman

100 yards – girls under 14 yrs

1st C. Scott

100 yards – boys 14-15 yrs

1st R. Hale

100 yards – boys 15-17 yrs

3rd T. Miller

150 yards – girls 15-17 yrs

1st J. Maskell     3rd Denise Loring

220 yards – boys 13-15 yrs

2nd J. Golding

220 yards – boys 15-17 yrs

2nd P. Chilling

440 yards – boys 15-17 yrs

3rd R. Mills

440 yards relay boys 11-13


440 yards relay boys 13-15


440 yards relay girls 15-17


440 yards relay boys 15-17


Mile – boys 14-15 yrs

2nd L. Rowe

Long jump boys 11-13 yrs

1st T. Cookman    3rd A. Martin

Long jump boys 15- 17 yrs

1st T. Miller  2nd A. Ashton

Javelin boys 15-17 yrs

1st J. Thatcher 2nd R. Mills

Shot put boys 15-17 yrs

2nd R. Mills

2nd June 1960

3 ‘B’ stream boys passed C.P. Technical Drawing Exam.

The Boat was taken from the Grounds and left the school premises.

3rd June 1960

The school closed for the Whitsun holidays.

13th June 1960

School reopened.

14th June 1960

R. Clarke and J. French chosen to represent the District Cricket Team.

15th June 1960

(Sat).  School visit to Kew Gardens.

27th June 1960

Filming by the Rank Organisation for “Look at Life (The story of the bicycle).

30th June 1960

Governors’ Meeting.  W.B.P.S. 2.15Pm.

4th July 1960

Visit to the Academy Summer Exhibition.

Woking and District School Swimming Gala 1960


Back stroke – boys 13-15 yrs

3rd R. Billingsby

Breast stroke boys 15-17 yrs

2nd T. Colley

Free style boys – 60 yards – boys 11-13 yrs

1st P. Martin 2nd P. Campbell

Free style boys – 60 yards – boys 15-17 yrs

2nd T. Colley

RELAY – boys 13-15 yrs



Senior boys championships

1st Monument Hill (25) 2nd Goldsworth (20) , 3rd West Byfleet (12)

Diving Events (Evening)

13-15 Boys Clarke 1st

                  S. Allen 3rd

15+ Boys    T. Colley 6th.

6th July 1960

Miss K. Murphy commenced duties (abs. ill until 8th July 1960).

8th July 1960

I left school to visit Wokingham C.S.S. A.M.   Mr. Butchers H.M.I. called during that time.

11th July 1960

Mr. Cave absent attending a welding course at Kingston Technical College.

12th July 1960

Meeting of “intake” parents 2.15P.M.

Talk on Canoes by Mr. Strange of the Youth Services.

13th July 1960

School closed all day for Parish Day.

14th July 1960

Talks to Xmas Leavers.

15th July 1960

Meeting with school Governors re: estimates.

19th July 1960

Awards made by Rev. A.J. Costin to children who have passed Cycling Proficiency Test.

20th July 1960

Inter House Sports Day 2 P.M.   Trophies presented by C. Jarman Esq.


21st July 1960

Mr. Elworthy, Mr. Waks called re: the sitting of a second moveable classroom (January 1961).

22nd July 1960

School closed until 6th September for the summer holidays.   Mrs. Jenkins, Miss Davies, Mr. Hutt cease duties.

6th September 1960

School reopened (staff Meeting 5th September 1960 2.30P.M.)

Miss Water, Mrs. Monshin, Mr. Rawlins, Mr. Ruott and Mr. Steele joined the staff.

Internal redecoration half completed during holiday.

Simon Miller equal 3rd British School Graduate (Sailing) Championships.

7th September 1960

Mr. Browning, the caretaker, suffered an accident sustaining an injury to his right knee (5th September 1960).

19th September 1960

Visit – Harvey’s Fashion Show. Know Bibles presented A.M.

23rd September 1960

B.C.G. Initial Skin Test A.M.

Students (until 14th October 1960).

26th September 1960

French and Rowe selected for District Football Team V. Weybridge next Saturday.

B.C.G. results.

27th September 1960

Colley, 2nd in Heat, 5th in final county Swimming Gala.

Attended Governors’ Meeting P.M.

1st October 1960

4G visit to Science Museum.

4th October 1960

Meeting of teachers with 8 A's – 3.45P.M.

6th October 1960

I attended a meeting of heads of bilateral schools at Glyn House.

7th October 1960

Medical Inspection (all day)

7th October 1960

Mrs. Bennett ceases duties.   Dental Inspection.

11th October 1960

Dental Inspection. Bookkeeping results received.

14th October 1960

Medical Inspection all day.

Miss Voller called to see me about H.M.I. Report.

Rowe and French selected for District Football XI V. Aldershot tomorrow.

19th October 1960

Mr. Ashby, County Librarian called to see the Head of English Dept.

20th October 1960

U.N. Day Service held A.M.

Governors’ Meeting at Fulbrook C.S.S.

21st October 1960

Medical All day.

School closed for half term.  24th and 25th October.

Miss Adams C.I. called P.M.

2nd and 3rd November 1950

I was absent attending a Heads Conference at Glynn House, Ewell.

4th November 1960

Speech Day Choir Practice 1.30P.M. (Church)

7th November 1960

Site meeting re; new classroom 10A.M.

(Evening) Took part in Woking Rotary Club Public Speaking Competition (4th).   Under 13 football cup – beat Goldsworth Road C.S.S. 3-0

9th November 1960

Speech Day    Press reports for speech day 1960

14th November 1960

Interviews for Xmas leavers – all day.

2 ex-pupils took English G.C.E. (Language).

21st November 1960

Miss Murphy absent due to injuries received in a riding accident.

Students until 9th December 1960.

All candidates through 1st selection of Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme.

22nd November 1960

House Services A.M.

29th November 1960

Talks to Easter and Summer Leavers.

30th November 1960

Talks to Courses (technical) leavers.

1st December 1960

Meeting of parents re: 13+ transfers 2.15P.M.

5th December 1960

Miss Mitson began duties as a supply teacher.

Staff Meeting 3.45P.M.

14th December 1960

Carol Service in St. John’s church 7.15P.M.

15th December 1960

Science Conference – Messrs. Butchers and Legge, H.M.I’s.

15th December 1960

Audition of choir by the B.C.C. (P.M.)

16th December 1960

Road Safety Talk by P.C. Robbins.

20th December 1960

Interviewed Mrs. Rogers and her son in the presence of Mr. Reeve, the school officer, with regard to the boy’s suspension for violence – 9th November 1960

Leavers’ Party this evening.

21st December 1960

School closed to for Xmas holidays until 9th January 1961.